Route Redone:

Posted by Edwin Saturday, June 26, 2010

I spent a good portion of this morning scouting parts of the route just south of Chester, so as to see the road conditions and if it was indeed safe for us to be skateboarding.

As it turned out, the MapQuest route led us into some pretty treacherous roads, sometimes calling for us to cross two to three lanes of highway traffic to make a turn or asking us to go up ramps and roundabouts we thought were normally reserved for cars only. There were also some stretches of road where there existed no shoulder on very busy roads.
I took the liberty of creating a new map using Google Maps, and said route will be going through each town as planned and will also be 6 miles shorter. Thanks to Google Streetview, we can survey the roads from the comfort of our computer screens.

For a detailed route description, Click Here.

- Edwin


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Skate Cape May is a 200+ mile skateboarding journey from the top of New Jersey (High Point) to the bottom (Cape May) with the intent to raise funds for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research. Last year, we received an award as a Top 100 Fundraiser for 2010 for ALSF!

Click Here for more detailed information!